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Appendix 6 - Sky Temperature Correction Model





Sky Temperature Correction Model

The basic approach to determine the sky temperature is simply subtracting the ambient temperature from the infrared measured temperature, as in:

          Tsky = Ts – Ta 

where: Tsky = Corrected Sky Temperature (ºC);  Ts = Infrared Sky Measured Temperature (ºC);  Ta = Ambient temperature (ºC).

This simple approach, however, requires frequent changes to the limits - that is, the resulting cloud detection temperature does not remain the same as the weather changes through the year.

To improve on this, the CloudWatcher has a polynomial model to adjust the correction value depending on the ambient temperature, with different weights, given by: 

          Td = (K1 / 100) * (Ta - K2 / 10) + (K3 / 100) * (Exp (K4 / 1000* Ta)) ^ (K5 / 100) + T67 

where: Td = Correction value (ºC);  Ta = Ambient temperature ( ºC);  K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6 and K7 are the coefficients defined in the  Setup => Device section; T67 (cold weather factor) calculation is shown below.

          Exp(n)= e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to the power of n. Ab = a raised to the power of b.

The corrected sky temperature (Tsky) is then given by: 

          Tsky = Ts – Td 

where Tsky = Corrected Sky Temperature (ºC);  Ts = Infrared Sky Measured Temperature (ºC);  Td = Correction value (ºC)

Computing the sky temperature this way, and after proper calibration, makes it possible to have accurate detection along a wide temperature range.


Calculation of T67(cold weather) term

          If Abs((K2 / 10 - Ta)) < 1 Then

                    T67 = Sgn(K6) * Sgn(Ta - K2 / 10) * Abs((K2 / 10 - Ta))   


                    T67 = K6 / 10 * Sgn(Ta - K2 / 10) * (Log(Abs((K2 / 10 - Ta))) / Log(10) + K7 / 100)  

          End If 

where. Sgn( x ) = function that returns the sign of x (or 0 if K6 is 0), Log( x ) = function that returns the natural logarithm of x, Abs( x ) = function that returns the absolute value of x:

Important: In all calculations the values of the temperatures are in degrees Celsius.

Please note:  Leaving K1=100, K2, K3… K7 = 0 results in the simplified Tsky = Ts – Ta Leaving all K factors at 0, the result is the raw measured IR, that is Tsky = T




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